Formula DRIFT Rulebook Changes for the 2025 Season
Version 1.1 of the 2025 Formula DRIFT Sporting Regulations just dropped. For the most part, 95% of this rulebook is the same from 2024. However, the biggest changes we've noticed are in regards to championship and competition points.
As you can see below in section "5. CHAMPIONSHIP POINTS".
This means that drivers are no longer awarded points simply based on what position they finished the event at. For example, in previous years, if a driver lost in the round of 32, they still received points for losing as that position was assigned points. Now drivers are only awarded points for winning each battle. Previously points were awarded as follows:
This has the potential to make the championship closer and reward more drivers based on performance.
The other change is in the amount of points earned at each event. In section "5.1 COMPETITION POINTS", there will now be points awarded in the seeding bracket.
This is great news for drivers that have to fight their way through the seeding bracket in order to make the main event. Previously drivers who had to participate in the seeding bracket were doing so just to get into the main event. Now, not only are they competing to get into the main event, but they are also eligible to earn additional points towards the championship. While it may not seem like much on the surface, if a driver was to win points in the seeding bracket and then do well or even win in the main event, they could essentially earn more points than the seeded drivers for that round and gain ground in the overall championship standings. Championships have been won and lost based on minimal points. The closest we can recall was that of the 2018 Formula DRIFT PRO Championship in which James Deane narrowly beat out Fredric Aasbø by a mere 4 points.
Regarding the main event bracket, with each battle being worth 10 points, the most a driver can earn by winning this bracket is just 50 points now (10 points in each round of 32, 16, 8, 4, and finals). While many may be used to 100 points being the maximum points, that number is arbitrary in the grand scheme of things. Most motorsport events actually award winners fewer points for winning. Some examples of other motorsport points for winning are:
However, if a driver has to compete in the seeding bracket, the amount of points they can win is based on the number of drivers. We'll go into this more in the judging regulations.
Version 1.0 of the 2025 Formula DRIFT Judging Regulations appears to have several new changes for this year.
Section "1. GENERAL" confirms that all four of the judges from last season are returning. Judges Brian Eggert and Reese Marin will be attending all eight rounds and Robbie Nishida and Vernon Zwaneveld will be splitting eight rounds by rotating four events each. It doesn't mention which events Robbie and Vernon will be attending specifically, so we'll have to wait for more information on that.
New for 2025 is PRO Driver Liaisons. Three drivers will be assigned each round to represent the drivers and work with Formula DRIFT staff. The three drivers will be chosen by the Competition Director (drivers may also be nominated by other drivers or volunteer themselves) from various ranks in the series points. One driver will be ranked 1-16, another ranked 17-32, and the final driver ranked 33-40 going into each round. The liaisons will have direct and privileged access to the main office competition staff, Competition Director, Race Control Director, and President of Formula DRIFT. They will participate in pre-event operation and judging meetings, as well as at the event. We think this is a great step in the right direction by choosing a few drivers ranked differently in the series. Each driver has their own unique perspective and hopefully this allows those interested in doing sol a chance to be involved more.
Section "2. START LIGHT PROCEDURE" basically just puts into writing the start line for the chase vehicle and how far back they are limited to starting. We believe this was first introduced after some battles that took place at St. Louis in 2024 with Ryan Tuerck and Ryan Litteral.
"At the start of a tandem battle, the lead vehicle will line up on the painted start line in the lead lane. The chase vehicle may be positioned farther back to allow them to react to the lead vehicle. The chase lane has a secondary painted start line. The chase vehicle may line up between the lead vehicle start line and no further back than the chase lane start line."
Section "3. SEEDING BRACKET FORMAT" discusses a few changes based on the number of drivers participating in a round, having a full field of 32 drivers in the main event bracket, and the inclusion of OMTs in seeding. If there is a field of 41 drivers or more, only the round 16 will be used for seeding making it a maximum of 3 points. If there are 40 or less drivers, then they could earn a maximum of 12 points (3 points in each round of 16, 8, 4, and finals). The full breakdown of each scenario is seen below.
Section "4. TANDEM ELIMINATION FORMAT" provides a better understanding of the criteria and logic behind judging a non-traditional tandem event without single run qualifying.
"It must be emphasized that the correct criteria for a traditional single-vehicle qualifying and/or a lead driver has an extensive overlap, however, in tandem, teams should realize that there is a distinct difference between managing the correct application of criteria with what is the best strategy for winning. That may involve the lead vehicle, either in Run 1 or Run 2, deviating from a strict application of criteria used in single vehicle runs and what strategy is best for winning. Each team and driver will have to determine their own strategy, and the judges will be applying the rules and the guidance in drivers’ meetings to be the most consistent with rules and criteria, taking into account the various things that occur on course in the course of a tandem battle."
Section "4.1.5 LEFT FOOT BRAKING" is a new addition to the rulebook and goes over the penalties to the lead driver abusing it.
"Left foot braking is an allowable technique that helps control the balance of the vehicle in drift as well as assisting the vehicle to rotate to the desired angle. It is also a tool that assists the driver stay high on a bank, for example.
• The Lead driver holds the responsibility of using Left Foot Braking only as is necessary to control the vehicle and to maintain a natural pace and momentum of the vehicle. Overuse or abuse of Left Foot Braking that results in the Lead vehicle slowing or Decelling improperly, that also clearly has an effect on the Chase driver while in proximity may result in the Lead Driver being penalized for the effect to the Chase driver, should the Lead create an unpredictable situation for the Chase. The Lead driver can also be penalized for improper application of Left Foot Braking while the chase is not in proximity and will be treated as any other mistake.
Section "4.3 INCOMPLETE RUNS" added two new lines. One is a additional definition under "Loss of Drift" stating "If the vehicle settles during a run, loses flow and momentum and generally pauses in drift, an Incomplete can be deemed for this action." The second addition references poor installation of parts that may come off during a run. This is in addition to the latchable or open items rule.
"If a driver loses a unique part of the vehicle due to poor installation or preparation that causes an effect to the other driver such that their ability to perform is highly diminished, the judges may give the driver who lost the part an Incomplete or take into account that situation as a negative effect on that vehicle in judging. Some examples might be: wheels, doors, exhaust or large parts of the chassis, etc. Typical examples of bumpers coming off through the natural course of competition are not applicable."
Sections "5.2 RUN 1 CONTACT WITH AN INCOMPLETE" and "5.4 RUN 2 CONTACT WITH AN INCOMPLETE" both have the following added to them "If a chase driver independently Incompletes and then subsequently makes contact with the Lead Driver and is deemed at Fault, the run will be over and the chase driver charged with the Incomplete."
Only one addition was made to the "GLOSSARY"; "Contact - is defined as when a vehicle touches another vehicle and/or wall."
Version 1.2 of the 2025 Formula DRIFT PRO Technical Regulations appears to have quite a few changes since 2024.
Section "2.1.1 CHASSIS MODIFICATION VARIANCES" for the Toyota Supra MK4 (A80) and Nissan Skyline R32.
Section "3.6 WHEELS" regarding "All wheels must be constructed from aluminum or steel. All other materials are prohibited" and "Any wheel designs with movable pieces while the vehicle is stationary or in motion are prohibited."
Section "4.1 ENGINE" now shows "B. Use of methanol blends are prohibited."
Section "4.6 NITROUS OXIDE" goes over the requirement of all Nitrous Oxide equipped vehicles having an inline safety valve system.
Section "5.2 MASTER CUTOFF" goes over the new uniformed master electric cutoff switch and location.
Section "6.5 WINDOWS and WINDOW RESTRAINTS" goes over a requirement for an opening on lexan/polycarbonate door windows in regards to accessing cutoff switches.
Section "7.8.1 APPROVED FIRE EXTINGUISHER SYSTEMS" now requires that "when fire systems expire they must be replaced with a fire systems meeting the following criteria:
• Fire system activation must be pull type cable actuated.
• A minimum capacity of 10 lbs with 4 nozzles"
Section "7.8.2 TRIGGERING DEVICE" goes over the colors, styles, and locations of the emergency cutoff switches.
Section "7.8.3 NOZZLE PLACEMENT" goes over the location of where to place the nozzles for fire suppression systems.
Section "7.8.5 FIRE SYSTEM MOUNTING" goes over how and where to mount the fire suppression system.
Section "8.1 APPROVED TIRES" has two updates. Under "B. All Rear tires must be rated for use on a DOT standard automotive 18 inch wheel." Then the following table shows the list of tires eligible for competition use.
Version 1.3 of the 2025 Formula DRIFT PROSPEC Technical Regulations appears to have the same updates as the 2025 Formula DRIFT PRO Technical Regulations with the following exceptions.
Section "4.1 ENGINE" now shows "F. Link ECU is the exclusive ecu supplier, branding and logos of ECU manufacturers besides Link ECU on competition vehicles are limited to 8-inch x 12-inch on each panel."
Section "6.9 DECALS" has two updates. Under "E. No non-approved Formula DRIFT Tire Sponsor or Tire Supplier logos are permitted anywhere within the event venue(s), on vehicle transports or rigs, competition vehicles, uniforms or driver suits. Additionally, no material or promotional items are permitted with non-approved tire manufacturers branding and/or logos allowed at Formula DRIFT events." And under "F. Link ECU is the exclusive ecu supplier, branding and logos of ECU manufacturers besides Link ECU on competition vehicles are limited to 8-inch x 12-inch on each panel."
Section "7.8.1 APPROVED FIRE EXTINGUISHER SYSTEMS" now requires that "when fire systems expire they must be replaced with a fire systems meeting the following criteria:
• Fire system activation must be pull type cable actuated.
• A minimum capacity of 10 lbs with 4 nozzles"
Section "8.1.1 OFFICIAL TIRE" reconfirms the GT Radial Champiro SX2 RS as the official tire and RaceTreads.com as the official tire supplier.
Section "8.1.2 TIRE SIZE REGULATIONS" under "B. Front tire sizes are allowed to be 255/35/18 or smaller."
You can find all of the Formula DRIFT rulebooks here: https://www.formulad.com/rulebook